I am a native Baltimorean, and from the moment I could catch a ball I didn’t stop moving. Athletic is a great adjective to describe me, but passionate about helping others feel good and live a healthy life is truly who I am.
After giving birth to my two boys, like many, I was out of shape and needed motivation. So, I hired a personal trainer. Working with a professional was the trigger that piqued my interest in understanding more about getting in shape, not only from the perspective of which equipment to use at the gym but how to use it for age-appropriate training. I wasn’t 18 any longer!
I leaped into action. I literally wanted to know everything and soon obtained my training certification. This training helped me become acutely aware of the injuries that occur as we become aging adults. My personal experience and education led me to develop the correct training guidelines needed for my contemporaries to get fit, be healthier, and feel better about ourselves. To this day, and my kids are no longer babies, I incorporate my knowledge into teaching my clients how to be the best they can be at whatever age they start their work-out journey.
My motto: Get rid of the scale! Feeling healthy is not about the number, it’s a way of life and a life worth exercising for.
“Any time spent exercising is better than no time!”