Emily relishes the time she spends with seniors – aging adults as she calls them. Nothing is more important than maintaining an active life and focusing on flexibility and balance, as well as maintaining muscle mass, and cardiovascular levels. When Emily works with you, safe, simple yet effective exercises are performed using hand weights, bands, stability balls, and a chair. Rest assured, you’ll feel wonderful and accomplished when you complete a work-out with Emily Goren.
Before the pandemic arrived, Emily offered in-person group exercise classes, which catered to the needs of aging adults by integrating eye/hand coordination, mind and body awareness, upper and lower bodywork, and cardio in a music-filled, energetic setting performed either standing or sitting. Today, Emily offers aging adults a variation on the in-person experience, using a computer-based, zoom classroom. For more information on how to utilize this service, please call Emily directly at 410- 371-8611.
Regular exercise is the key to a healthy life. Stay active in your body, engage your mind, and eat well!