17 Foods That Relieve Your Cold Symptoms

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To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume, which inevitably means one thing: portion control. But, you’re not necessarily doomed to a growling stomach until you reach your goal. “Portion control doesn’t mean you have to eat tiny portions of everything,” says Lisa Young, author of
With the average diner enjoying more than a whopping 5,000 calories on Thanksgiving Day, you might be wondering how you can enjoy the festivities while staying healthy and not totally derailing your weight loss efforts. Thankfully, we’ve come up with a few easy tweaks you can make to your usual
Every once in awhile, sports nutrition researchers change their minds. When they do, a common practice that athletes thought was based on solid science may be exposed as a myth. One recent example is the practice of consuming salt tablets during races to prevent muscle cramps. Scientists now know that
Oh, the peanut butter aisle! One wonders how such a simple, delicious creation could be so complex. Really though, it’s not supposed to be. Peanut butter should simply be nuts pulverized into a delicious mash—that’s it! So, to keep you from going nuts at the grocery store, here are some
Trading cookies and candy for yogurt and granola bars may not be as healthy as parents believe. In fact, some food marketed to children and parents contains more sugar than desserts on grocery shelves. New recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest sugary beverages and sweets be limited to